Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Iron Of Your Will

broken sword

a broken sword
lies scattered on a field
holding the hilt
I wonder why the steel
is shining in the dust

Throughout life, we are faced with numerous challenges and difficulties. They often spring at us unannounced, when we least expect them. If we are not careful, they can easily overwhelm us, leaving us defeated and exhausted.

How then, can we counter this? How do we confront the problems of life? The answer is to believe in yourself, to forge an iron will. Like a diamond, your will must be strong to resist the blows that come at you. Life is like a war, and to survive, you must keep getting up from the ground when you are struck down. Though your goals (the sword) may be shattered and broken, that does not mean you must give up. No, you pick yourself up from the ground and reforge that blade (your goals) into something stronger. Like tempered steel, the more you are struck down, the more you will be able to handle the pain of temporary defeat. Defeat can never conquer you unless you agree and give in. Fight, always fight, for your dreams and believe in yourself. Cultivate an iron will.

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