Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Beauty Of Breakfast

buttermilk pancakes

buttermilk pancakes
and coffee
morning thunder

We all need to eat. And breakfast is the most important part of the day. Why? Because of the long night spent in sleep. Think of your body as a giant furnace. It needs coal to run. And that coal is the food you eat. Without enough food, we cannot perform at our best. We become tired and sluggish and have a hard time concentrating on simple tasks. Simply put, breakfast is vital to your body and health.

But not anything will do. Ideally, you want to eat something healthy. These healthy foods will give your body the needed nutrients until noon, so it's important to have a big and healthy breakfast. By doing this, you will get through most of the morning with relative ease, being able to handle any challenges that come your way.

Do not ignore that morning thunder. Feed your body with a good, big breakfast, and you will survive and thrive in a busy day.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Special Post: Sunshine Blogger Award

The Sunshine Blogger Award

I have recently been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award, so today's post will be about this topic. You may be wondering, what exactly is this award? I will quote from Amy Maier's excellent blog, Positively Weightless. I would encourage you to visit her site as well.

"So, what is the Sunshine Blogger award I am sure you are wondering? The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to bloggers that spread creativity, positivity, and are inspiring in the blogging community. The award is completely driven through the community, nominated through fellow bloggers to recognize their inspiring and positive content."

Here are the rules for the award:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  • Notify your nominees about their nomination.
  • List the rules and display a Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and/or website.

The following are eleven questions that I was asked to do:

1. Who is your biggest support system when it comes to your writing? You do not need to go into personal details, just mention your relationship, how they support you, etc.

The biggest support system, when it comes to my writing, is to read the great masters of the past. It is always inspiring to dip into their work and discover a technique that you can use to enhance your own writing.

 2. Why did you start your blog?

I started my blog because I wanted to combine the haiku form with a commentary that teaches life lessons. I felt my readers could enjoy poetry while learning something new that could instantly be applicable to their lives.

3. How emotional of a person are you, and how (if at all) does that play into your blog?

I consider myself an emotional person. As a poet, you must be willing to search deep within yourself and express what you feel. It is this search for feeling and its meaning that enables me to write for the readers of my blog.

4. What is a fun random fact readers may not know about you?

Some readers may smile at this, but I'm a big chicken and fish fan. I eat meat, of course, but I usually prefer the lean protein of chicken and fish, rather than the heavier meats.

 5. What is one thing you always do when you are writing?

Whenever I'm writing, I always make sure to have plenty of paper at my side. I like to scribble little notes of whatever pops into my head. You never know when this material can be used for a poem! Also, I'm a firm believer that every writer should have a dictionary and thesaurus at their side. It is the tools of your trade.

 6. How do you go about choosing topics for your posts?

The way I pick topics for my blog is simple: I pick a general topic, (example: positivity) and reduce it to specific examples that can help my readers improve their lives (example: think happy thoughts or smile). I have found this method extremely effective for coming up with new ideas.

 7What is your favorite animal?

My favorite animal is the owl. I have always admired their wise nature.

8. What is your ultimate guilty pleasure?

My ultimate guilty pleasure is apple pie. It's one of my favorite desserts. It's even better as pie a la mode!

 9. Who or what was your biggest inspiration that lead you to start writing?

I started writing poetry because I found it to be a great way to relieve stress. Instead of holding your feelings inside, where it can eventually hurt you, releasing them on paper can be a satisfying and healthy way for you to vent. And the fun part is you get to create some beautiful poems in the process.

10. What is your favorite holiday?

My favorite holiday is Christmas. It's a beautiful time of year, and it's always nice to end the year on a happy note.

11. If you could write a blog on any topic other than the topic of your current blog, what would it be?

I would love to read and review books. People are always looking for something new to read, and giving them a book review and recommendation can really help them pick something they may like. And it's fun too!

I want to thank Amy Maier for nominating me for this award. It's been such a pleasure, and I look forward to reading the work of my fellow nominees. Until then, happy reading, dear readers! 😀

Friday, July 26, 2019

Are You A Firecracker?

children playing

children play
on a summer day

Kids love the summer. They are out of school and get to enjoy playing in the sun. With such youthful energy, it's no wonder they are like firecrackers!

We should be more like young children. We can do this by pursuing an enjoyable hobby. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's fun and safe. An easy way to tell if you have picked a fun hobby is to keep track of the time - or the lack of it. If time seems to be flying when you're doing something that you love, chances are you have picked a fun hobby that you will enjoy. Make note of this, and set some free time for yourself.

Be a kid again. Don't be afraid to have a little fun. Enjoy life and do the things you love to do. Then you will be a firecracker just bursting with energy!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Small Steps To Success


climbing a mountain
the footsteps
of a little mouse

In life, we are faced with many challenges. Between our goals and us, lies a mountain to be climbed. But the mountain is high in the sky; its slopes are treacherous and icy; climbing too fast can lead to a mishap and defeat. With such a formidable foe in front of us, how are we to conquer it? 

The answer is to take small steps. We must use as our inspiration the little mouse. The mouse is a tiny animal, but size has no bearing on determination and will power. If the mouse continues to take small steps day by day, and it believes in itself, it will eventually reach the summit. The journey may take longer, but the destination is the same, and success is achieved.

Learn to be like the mouse. Treat all your goals with small steps. Make it a daily habit to reach one step closer to your dream. Slowly but surely, you will achieve what you desire. Your small steps will lead to success.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Sweet As Pie

apple pie

fresh apple pie
cooling under the sky
honeybee hive

Sugar is a wonderful ingredient. When used properly, it can turn bland dishes into mouth-watering sweet ones. With the right amount of sugar, a dessert can be a wonderful and memorable experience.

But if sugar is used too much, the food will be too sweet; it will be uneatable. Even worse, too much sugar in a diet can lead to diseases like diabetes.

So it is with your life. A little fun can do wonders to an overworked existence. It can divert your mind from weighty tasks and bring lightness to your steps. Much joy and pleasure can happen when you do something you love.

Fun and relaxation are the "sugars" of your life. They add sweetness to a dull world of routine. But if you have too much fun, that can have negative consequences as well. You neglect your career and family to live a life of hedonistic pleasure. Things then fall apart, because you prefer to live in this dream world rather than face the realities of life.

You must learn to use fun as a topping, rather than the main dish. Sprinkle enough to add and enhance your life, but do not ruin the dish by dumping the whole bag of sugar into it. Sweetness is only so good if you can enjoy the taste. Learn to use it well, and you can bring much joy into your life.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Patience Is Your Friend

moonlight on a lake

on a lake

Life is full of problems. In one form or another, we are beset with complications. And many of these are surprises that spring into our lives with little or no warning. How can we cope with such difficulties?

The answer is to be patient. Do not panic in such a crisis, but stay calm. Think through the problem and try to find ways to solve it. It can often help to do this in steps. Small steps are less intimidating and can give you the courage to continue with something that at first glance may seem impossible.

And remember: no matter how bad the problem is, take heart. Nothing lasts forever, and if you simply ride the storm, the sun will emerge from the clouds. Patience and belief in yourself are the keys to living a life of unending challenges. Step out of the darkness in your life and follow the moon to the sunshine of happiness. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Build Your Dam!

a beaver
builds its dam

Life is full of surprises. On any day, there is a high chance that we will encounter something unexpected. It is a sad fact of life that most surprises are negative. How can we avoid these negative influences in our lives that sap our strength and leave us drained?

We can do this by planning ahead. Look at the beaver. It plans ahead for the rainy days by building its dam ahead of time. Thus, it avoids many of the surprises that life is so fond of throwing at us.

Be like the beaver. Plan things ahead, so the surprises won't catch you. By being prepared for emergencies, you increase the quality of your life and reduce the amount of stress during a crisis. So plan ahead of that thunderstorm by taking action now. A little reflection beforehand will save you much grief in the future. Build your dam and be happy while the rain pours.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Lantern Of Life

paper lanterns

a paper lantern
shines at night
the sound of crickets

Look into the picture. What do you see? If you said a paper lantern, you would be right. But it is so much more than that. Surface appearances can be deceiving. We cannot always trust our senses in seeking the truth of matters. Instead, we must look deep within, to our hearts, our mind, and our intuition. Only then we can come to an understanding of the true nature of things.

A lantern is precious because it holds a light - a light from within - our very essence of who we are as a person. This light is what guides us in life. It is our friend, a companion that will always be with us, even in our darkest hours. As the lantern is precious for holding the light, so is our body for being the container of our own light. It is a gift we must not abuse. For the body must be strong to hold the light, to be a container the way the paper lantern is.

Learn to value the light for what is - your unique personality. Yes, you are unique. No one in the history of the world will be exactly like you. Embrace this idea and make it a part of you. You can in your own way make a difference in this world. And that is what matters. That while the lantern holds, we did something with our life - our light shone strong and true. We lived, and loved, and laughed. We are the lanterns of our lives.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Are You A Chicken?

chickens in a barn

behind the barn
a chicken

In each of us, lies a fear buried deep within. It haunts our dreams and kills our spirit. We postpone things because we are afraid of the result: failure. It is this fear of failure that prevents us from achieving our life's dreams. "Why bother to try when the outcome is already determined?" the naysayers will say, but that is the point. Other than death, nothing is one hundred percent certain. There will always be variables in the calculations; random chances that no one could have foreseen.

So take heart: do not let the fear of failure stop you from achieving what you want in life. Instead of hiding, go forth into the world and turn your dreams into realities. Take life by the throat and make it give what you want. Anything is possible if you stop making excuses for yourself. Stop being a chicken that always hides behind the barn. Come out into the sunshine and revel in your new-found freedom.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Live And Laugh

birthday candles on a chocolate cake

the sound of laughter
red candles
on a chocolate cake

They say laughter is the best medicine to a sad heart.  This is true. Laughter helps us to forget our troubles, to live within the moment. A good laugh can ease the pain that we hold within. It is a wonderful alternative to medicine with harmful side effects. For when we laugh, we let go of all our troubles - we feel more alive. We soar among the clouds on a sunny day.

Learn to laugh in your life. Find some humorous activities to do. Take the time to laugh things off. Try not to take life so seriously, as a serious attitude can often be a source of misery. All things are passing, but a happy moment will live with you forever. Live and laugh.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Magical Memories

club party

chirp in the moonlight
club party

As we go through our lives, we encounter people and places that had a great influence on us. They are a wellspring of inspiration, a magical moment to cherish until the end of our lives. These happy times are ours forever; they can never be taken from us. Memories are our life-long friends and companions and can cheer us when we are sad.

Learn to love your memories - especially your happy ones. For they represent the hotel stops on the road of life. Hold them close to your heart - they are dearer and greater than all the gold in the world. Truly, they are magical memories.