Friday, November 8, 2019

Say No To Negativity

calm sea

sitting alone
in my room
calm sea

The mind is a beautiful thing - the greatest part of your body. When used properly, it can lead to new discoveries and inventions for humanity. When used negatively, untold misery, defeat, and destruction can occur. How can you use your brain to its optimal power?

The first thing you must do is to banish negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are a poison that will infect your mind, shattering your self-confidence and leaving you weak and vulnerable to bad influences. To free yourself, you must let go of the past. Stop thinking about the past and moaning about things you cannot change. The past is history - no amount of crying or screaming will change what has already happened.

Instead, focus your efforts on the present - the here and now. This is the only thing that is within your power. You cannot change the past, and no one knows the future - all that is left to you is the present. Think of the present as a block of marble. To fulfill your dreams, you must see the image and work your way towards it. Like a patient sculptor, you will slowly chip away at the unnecessary material until you mold something of great beauty from within your mind.

Now is the time. Stop thinking of the past and focus on what you can do now. Believe in yourself and build your dreams and life with positive thinking. Say No to Negativity.

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