Friday, February 8, 2019

Are You Taking ME Time?

alone on a mountain

alone on a peak
I stare at the world below
pinpoints on a map

We live in a busy world. Everyday, we are confronted with demands for our time, attention, and money. It seems like we never have enough time for ourselves.

But we do have time. If we know how to properly use it.

Starting today, promise yourself that you will take five minutes to close your eyes and dream. Yes, just dream. Dream you are in another world, another place, another time. Think of happy thoughts and what you would love to do in this imaginary world of yours.

Now open your eyes. Recall your dream and make a promise to yourself that you will do this everyday for five minutes. Five minutes may not seem like much, but when you are truly happy, time can stand still.

Don't delay. Practice this today.

1 comment:

  1. Your words truly touch me with every post. Such good advice always put in such a beautiful way. I look forward to seeing what the next week brings from you! Keep up the great work! :-)


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