Friday, July 19, 2019

Patience Is Your Friend

moonlight on a lake

on a lake

Life is full of problems. In one form or another, we are beset with complications. And many of these are surprises that spring into our lives with little or no warning. How can we cope with such difficulties?

The answer is to be patient. Do not panic in such a crisis, but stay calm. Think through the problem and try to find ways to solve it. It can often help to do this in steps. Small steps are less intimidating and can give you the courage to continue with something that at first glance may seem impossible.

And remember: no matter how bad the problem is, take heart. Nothing lasts forever, and if you simply ride the storm, the sun will emerge from the clouds. Patience and belief in yourself are the keys to living a life of unending challenges. Step out of the darkness in your life and follow the moon to the sunshine of happiness. 

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