Monday, July 15, 2019

The Lantern Of Life

paper lanterns

a paper lantern
shines at night
the sound of crickets

Look into the picture. What do you see? If you said a paper lantern, you would be right. But it is so much more than that. Surface appearances can be deceiving. We cannot always trust our senses in seeking the truth of matters. Instead, we must look deep within, to our hearts, our mind, and our intuition. Only then we can come to an understanding of the true nature of things.

A lantern is precious because it holds a light - a light from within - our very essence of who we are as a person. This light is what guides us in life. It is our friend, a companion that will always be with us, even in our darkest hours. As the lantern is precious for holding the light, so is our body for being the container of our own light. It is a gift we must not abuse. For the body must be strong to hold the light, to be a container the way the paper lantern is.

Learn to value the light for what is - your unique personality. Yes, you are unique. No one in the history of the world will be exactly like you. Embrace this idea and make it a part of you. You can in your own way make a difference in this world. And that is what matters. That while the lantern holds, we did something with our life - our light shone strong and true. We lived, and loved, and laughed. We are the lanterns of our lives.

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