Friday, October 11, 2019

How To Enjoy Life

smiley face

a smiley face
in my notebook

Throughout human history, people have wondered how to enjoy life. What makes a happy life? What can we do to find happiness?

The answer is to consider the end result - death. Death is the curse of all things born into this world. What was born must die. If we understand and accept this truth, we are one step closer to unlocking the power we do have - the power of the present.

If we want to enjoy life, we must live in the present. Put away all your old fears - let those memories collect dust in the tomb of the past. No matter how much you may wish to change those distant memories, you cannot. Step away and let those memories rest in peace - the peace of an untroubled mind.

The same goes for the future. Life is too chaotic - too variable to plan your future in the minutest detail. One small misstep can make the tower of your dreams come crashing down. Plan if you wish, but do not plan so much that you live your whole life in the future waiting for something to happen.

The only thing we control is the present - one day at a time. Enjoy that day like it was your last - for it might very well be. Seek out new experiences and opportunities. Read good books and make new friends - explore yourself and your world. Never pass up a good thing in your love for life. For if you can make the most of your day, you are a lucky person. You know how to enjoy life.

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