Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Master Your Mind!

old book

planting seeds
reading an old book
at midnight

There is a famous saying: I think, therefore I am. This is certainly the truth. Our minds are the hard drives of our bodies. Here is the accumulated knowledge and experience that we have learned from ourselves and others. It is a library of thought, our thoughts. Truly, the mind is a wonderful thing.

But how do we master our minds? We do this by following these steps:

  1. Read instructive books and talk to people to solve problems or learn new things.
  2. Do mind exercises to strengthen your mind.

If we want to expand our knowledge, it is essential to read good books, preferably nonfiction and self-help books. Any book that teaches something is worth checking out. But you do not have to rely entirely on books. Talking to people about various subjects can be incredibly rewarding. With a question and answer format, you can get immediate feedback on your problem. You can ask questions that a book could not answer.  Do not be afraid to use this to your advantage. Knowledge is always worth pursuing.

The next step is to do daily mind strengthening exercises. The goal here is to stretch your mind to new avenues of creativity. Find an enjoyable activity that stimulates your mind. Chess, crossword puzzles, math problems, and writing are a few of the many options open to you. Explore them all and find one that you enjoy doing. Do this activity for at least thirty minutes every day.

Being a mastermind is not as hard as it sounds. By following these steps, you can grow your mind to new levels of knowledge and creativity. The power is within you and waiting to be unleashed. So, what are you waiting for? Master your mind!

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