Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Power Of Problem Solving

math problems

math problems
on a test

In life, there is one fundamental truth: as long as we are alive, there will always be problems - it is unavoidable. Instead of getting stressed out and angry whenever something unexpected pops up in your life, look at it as simply another problem to solve. Getting emotional and throwing tantrums will only make things worse. Instead, stay calm and think rationally. This simple three-step process will help you solve the problems that plague your life.

Here they are:

  1. Identify the problem.
  2. Develop a plan.
  3. Modify it until it is solved.

The first step is to identify the problem. Whatever happens in your life is always based on cause and effect. The problems are the effects of something - the reaction of an action. Your goal is to work backward: identify the effect and then search out possible causes. Keep doing this until you discover the cause that leads to the effect (problem). With practice, you will quickly internalize this simple system into your life. Practice it as often as you can, as repeated practice will help you master the tools needed to solve any problem.

Do not let the fear of problems deter you from living your life. Problems will always occur, and you must be ready for them. Use this system, and you will never have to be afraid of problems overwhelming you. Embrace the power of problem-solving.

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