Monday, June 24, 2019

Are You Ready To Rest?


hot days
on the highway
still nights

The day is long, and the work is weary. And yet, our bodies need rest. All too often, we force ourselves past our threshold. We continue even when our body is signaling us to stop. Coffee, chocolate, and other stimulants are used to keep us going. This may be acceptable for short-term gains, but in the long run, we are hurting our minds and bodies. You must know when to stop. A strategic withdrawal is always better than a rout.

But how do you know when to rest? And for how long? In this, your body is your greatest friend. It will signal to you when you need to stop. These are some of the most common symptoms that should put you on alert:

  1. Yawning.
  2. Eyes can not stay open.
  3. Loss of concentration.
  4. Fatigue.

When you notice these signs, get some rest. Doctors recommend at least eight hours of sleep a day. This is a good guideline to follow to make sure your body and mind are in peak condition.

Listen to your body and respect it. It will serve you faithfully on the highways of life. Are you ready to rest?

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