Friday, June 28, 2019

Dare To Dream

sleeping beauty

I bow my head and close my eyes
As I press my palms together;
I feel myself float in the skies
As soft and light as a feather.

And then I know the peace of bliss,
So tender like a maiden's kiss;
My thoughts are free to fly and roam,
A world sweeter than any home.

We all dream. In our minds, we see an idealized vision of the world; of whom we want to be - our goals and desires, our fears and our fortunes - all in the depths of our head. Our dreams are like a candle flame in a dark room; they light the path so that we may see. Dreams give our lives purpose and pleasure; they define our lives. We must never allow ourselves to extinguish that flame of hope. Without it, we would be empty inside; zombies that roam the land without any sense of emotion or purpose.

Cling to your dreams. Cherish them and do your best to make them a reality. For a dream is a greater world than any home; it is your life and soul, the very being of who you are. Dare to dream and live your life with purpose and prosperity.

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