Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Trials Of The Desert

a walk in the desert

desert sand
beneath my feet
burning coals
I long for a sip
of cold clear water

Life is a desert. A cruel wasteland that can suck a person dry and leave them to rot in the sun. There their bleached bones lie, a testimony to those that gave in to despair.

The desert people have a saying: respect the desert. So we must respect ourselves. Though the sands of the desert burn our feet and sap our strength, we must never lose hope. The spirit, the essence of who we are, will always be stronger than the frail flesh that we carry. Our bodies will decay and die in time, but our spirit, our will, will shine like stars in the sky. It is the guiding force in our life, and we must never allow ourselves to be broken in defeat. Hope, that great gift of humanity, is the water that we drink in the deserts of life. Drink this water deeply, that it may fill you and set your heart and mind at peace. 

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