Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Dark Forest

dark forest

Through the dark forest, I wander alone.
My feet stumble upon a stony path.
I look around me to find my bearings,
But all I see are shadows from my past.

To live a happy life, we must be able to let go of the shadows in our past. These resentful feelings will gnaw and haunt us and set us up for future failures. They can also lead to health problems. 

Let go of your hate. No matter how bad your life was, the past will always remain the past. There is nothing you can do to change time and go back. So let these thoughts and feelings go and move on with your life. The way to happiness is always forward, never back. 

Do not wander around the dark forest in despair. There is sunlight even among the darkest of trees. Move forward towards it and you will find that the chains of conscience that held you down will be broken. Let go and be free.

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