Monday, June 17, 2019

Who Are You?

lecture hall

lecture hall
the sound
of Greensleeves

Throughout life, we are pressured to succeed. It starts with our earliest memories: parents and teachers expect us to do well in school. We must pay attention in class, do our homework, and pass the tests. It is training for adulthood. When we come of age, we are no longer pleasing parents and teachers, but employers, spouses, and children. All this pressure to conform to society's rules can feel intimidating at times. How do we fit in as individuals when we are forced to think and act in a group mentality?

The answer lies within: instead of seeking reassurance from others, look inside yourself. Discover who you are, and your purpose in life. For the greatest gift in this world is not fame, or riches, or power, but mastery of yourself. When you can with certainty say who you are as a person, you are well on the way to breaking the chains that bind you. Give yourself this gift. Be the person you were meant to be.

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