Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Apple Of The Eye

female elf

Gather round my friends, and hear a most extraordinary tale. I was young then, a wandering minstrel eager to fire the world with my songs of love. I dreamed in those days, great dreams of adventure that would stir the souls of my listeners. And thus one day, in my journey through the forest of Norwood, I met an old ranger who told me this tale. I now tell it to you in the hopes you will have gleaned the gold within it. Listen closely...

A golden-haired elf
sits by the shores of the sea.
In his hands he holds
a silver harp.
He plucks the strings softly,
and his sapphire eyes grow dim
as he sings a song
of apple rosed Alaine,
the fairest flower of a forgotten race,
lost in the great cycles of sun and moon.

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