Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Dream And Dare

cloudy sky

I bow my head and close my eyes
As I press my palms together;
I feel myself float in the skies,
As soft and light as a feather.

And then I know the peace of bliss,
So tender like a maiden's kiss;
My thoughts are free to fly and roam,
A world sweeter than any home.

Dreams. We all have them. In each of us, is a desire to live our lives the way we want. We yearn to see new lands, or to buy new things; to eat a fabulous feast or read a great book. And that is good. It is the way things should be. Without dreams, we are dead inside. We have nothing to live for and life seems empty and hollow. It is the driving force that gives meaning to our lives.

Never give up on your dreams. Always think of something that you should strive for. But do not make yourself unhappy by longing for it so much that you forget to live. It is the journey that is more inspiring and enlightening than the destination. The journey is what defines us; the destination is the reward for such a persistent effort. It makes us feel complete and whole.

Dare to dream. And live your life the way you choose.

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