Monday, May 27, 2019

Are You Winning Or Wasting Time?

gold pocket watch

winding up
an old pocket watch
spring comes again

Have you ever complained about not having enough time? This is a problem that many of us have in our lives. Events rush by at lightning speed; everything seems to be one big blur. Time flies before our eyes. 

But it does not have to be this way. We can to a certain extent, control the speed of events in our lives. Our lifespan is an unknown variable: some people live to be a hundred years old, others die at childbirth. This we cannot control. But there is one factor that many people do not realize: everyone in this world has exactly twenty-four hours a day. The rich cannot buy extra hours, and the poor cannot be deprived of theirs--it is a great equalizer. By understanding how time works, you can use the following principle to enhance your life.

If we all have twenty-four hours in a day, how do we make the most of them? You do this by planning ahead. Try to organize a daily schedule. It does not have to be anything fancy. A few brief notes on what you plan to do for the day will help you get in an organizing mindset. You can write these plans on paper, or use a personal scheduler app on your mobile phone. If your daily schedule is simple enough, you can even memorize it. There are many options to choose from, and they are all good. The important thing is to be motivated and take action. Seize time!

 The next step in your time management program is to steal stolen moments. There are many times in our lives where we have to wait around for a person or event. Instead of twirling our thumbs and staring at the sky, why not put those waiting moments to good use? Read books, or do math problems, or work on crossword puzzles. It matters not as long as the activity you are doing is constructive in some way. That is the whole goal of your time management program: to fight the war on time on your terms. Steal back those stolen moments and learn something new.

So the next time you find yourself complaining that you do not have enough time, ask yourself: is this true? Or am I making excuses for myself? Chances are, you will discover the twenty-four-hour principle to be one of your best allies in life. Use this principle wisely, and you will find a sense of order and satisfaction in your life.

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