Tuesday, March 12, 2019

2 Ways To Laugh Yourself To Happiness

chocolate cake

twelve candles
on a chocolate cake

Laughter. It's such a wonderful way to live. When you're happy, things fall into place. Everything seems bigger and brighter, and the world doesn't seem so scary. Laughter is the best medicine for an unhappy heart. Here are two ways you can use laughter to improve your life.

1. Laugh Inside Yourself

Whenever you're feeling down, give yourself a good laugh. But don't do it out loud--people might think you're crazy. Instead, laugh inside yourself. Give yourself an inward smile. Think of funny jokes and witty sayings--or imagine yourself on a dream vacation. Use the power of your mind to reprogram yourself with images that make you happy. Practice this often. Think happy and you will be happy.

2. Smile Often

Smile often, for this is the key that will break your sadness. When you smile, you are sending nonverbal messages to others. Make your tone and message friendly. People will notice this and become more accommodating towards you. A smile is worth more than a bag of gold. Its riches will lead to happier relationships and a more positive outlook on life.

There you have it. The power of laughter can change yourself and the world you live in. You owe it to yourself to find a measure of happiness in this world. Use these two techniques and watch yourself grow into a healthier, happier person. Live your life on your terms with the gift of laughter. Do this today.

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