Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Are You A Chicken Or A Pig?

chicken and pig

coins in my pocket
a pot bellied pig lounges
in the open air

Imagine yourself as a chicken living in the country. Your feathers are all ruffled and in disarray, and you peck at any little morsels you can find. As you hunt for food, you hear the little chirps and tweets of the chicklets trailing behind you. The sadness in their innocent eyes haunt you. And so you spend your days scratching here and there, trying to make ends meet.

On a big farm lives a plump porker. He lounges in the mud, enjoying the golden sunlight that bathes on his bloated body. From time to time, he lets out a contented squeal as he rolls in the mud, waiting for the farmer to bring out his next meal. Life is good to the pig.

There are many chickens in the world. They scratch for their food because they have not learned how to save. If they only knew the importance of saving, they would see how one gold coin can be turned into a mountain of money.

But how do we do this? How do we save? How do we even begin? You begin by making yourself a promise-- every time you are paid, you will promptly take out a certain percentage (5-10% of your paycheck) and put it somewhere safe, where you will not be tempted to spend it.

Keep doing this every time you are paid. No matter what happens, always deduct that same amount and save it. Pay yourself first. The world and its demands can wait--after you have taken care of your needs. For if you do not, no one else will. That is the difference between a pig and a chicken.

Stop being a chicken and save your money. Keep putting more coins into your hoard. Nurture it. Make it grow. And one day you too will be a pig, as you watch the chickens peck away what little they have. The choice is yours. Will you be a chicken or a pig?

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