Friday, March 1, 2019

The 3 Step Plan To Transform Yourself!

old well in the desert

an old well
in the desert
spring rain

Do you feel dried out? All worn and weary with the world? Chances are you are looking for changes in your life. This can be done with the 3 Step Transformation Plan. It's easy and leads to great results. All you need to do is follow these steps.

The first step is to identify the problem. What habits are causing you unhappiness? Write on a piece of paper, a list of the five problems in your life. Writing them down forces you to confront them head on. The less items on your list, the more you will be able to focus on correcting them. Start small to gain big results.

Once you have written down five bad habits, the next step is to replace them with five positive ones. For example, if you tend to overeat, a simple solution would be to skip having dessert. Replace all bad habits with good ones. This will be the basic plan of your program.

Now you must practice the five good habits on your list. Do this daily. If any change is to take place, you must be strict with your new habits. Allow yourself to grow with this new schedule and do not be dismayed by temporary setbacks. Over time, what once seemed strange will become second nature.

These are the steps you must take to transform yourself into a better person:

  1. Write five negative habits on a piece of paper
  2. Replace the negative habits with positive ones
  3. Practice your new habits daily until you have grown accustomed to them

Do this, and like the old well in the desert, you will transform yourself into a better you! 

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