Friday, March 15, 2019

Moon Mission

mission moon

Moon Mission

A group of fifty young men and women in navy and grey uniforms sat around tables in a bar, laughing and drinking beer from unwashed glasses. At one table, a young cadet made obscene gestures with his hands, as he described one of his war stories. His red face shined like a beet, and his big saucer eyes gleamed as he gazed around at his companions that sat around him. They broke into loud hoots and howls of derision.

"Is that how it really happened, Martin?" A voice rang out. "I could've sworn...."

Suddenly, the bar doors swished open. A big, gruff drill instructor strode in. He paused and stared at the cadets for a moment, biting down on his lower lip as he inspected them. His eyes narrowed.

"Attention!" he bawled.

The cadets sprang from their tables and pushed one another as they formed into ranks. Their shiny black boots hit the metal floor in unison as they stood at attention. Still as statues, they waited for him to speak.

"At ease." The drill instructor said. He surveyed them once more, a big scowl on his face. He coughed once and then his big, booming voice rang out through the bar.

"All right cadets" he said. "Now is the time to put your training to practice. For six weeks, the Space Corps has been training your sorry hides. You've been instructed in hand to hand combat, weapons, and demolitions training. Now your going to take the next step--space born battlefield training. You will be divided into two squads, and each squad will disembark on the moon. There you will await further instructions."

The drill instructor looked around at the young cadets and grimaced. "This is the sorriest lot I've ever trained. But you got a job to do and you're going to do it. Do you vermin get me?"

"We get you, sir!" The company rang out, their youthful voices trilling with enthusiasm. All eyes locked on the drill instructor.

"Good! Get your butts in your gear. We leave at 0700 hours. Dismissed!"

With a big whoop, the cadets broke ranks and rushed to the barracks. Martin grinned as he opened up his locker. "This is going to be one hell of a mission," he said to his teammate as he locked and loaded his laser rifle.

moon mission
young cadets
in training

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