Monday, April 29, 2019

A Chunk Of Cheese

mouse trap

A Chunk Of Cheese

There once lived a little grey mouse in an old apartment building. His name was Martin. He lived with his friends and family in the wall of Room Number Four.

Martin was a squeaky little fellow. He loved to puff his cheeks and swirl his tail around like it was a field marshal's baton. Whenever his elders lectured him, Martin would roll his beady eyes and stomp his foot. His whiskers would quiver and he would press his two little paws over his ears and hum a mouse marching tune. The elders could only sigh and shake their heads; Martin always had to have his way.

One morning, Martin rolled out of his candy-wrapper bed. He rubbed his rounded belly and stretched. His belly rumbled like thunder, and his mouth watered. He needed a nice, big breakfast. With a squeak, he raced out of the mouse hole and dashed into the apartment room.

Zipping over a brown carpet, he rushed straight for a familiar landmark: a big chunk of cheese enclosed within steel springs. A wooden board connected the springs, and held the cheese in place.

Panting from the hard run, Martin stopped to catch his breath. He stood there staring at the Swiss cheese. A gleam shone in his eyes, and his whiskers quivered.

Stepping closer, he sniffed the cheese. It had a fresh and rich buttery smell to it. Martin broke off a little piece with his paw, and nibbled it. He squeaked and smacked his lips. He knew good cheese when he tasted it, and this was one of the best he ever had. Martin took another nibble, savoring the rich taste of the cheese.

Suddenly, he froze. A sudden thought came to him: "Why should I leave the cheese for the others when I can have it all? I found it first, it is mine by right. The others can find their own food." he thought.

Spurred by this thought of owning the entire cheese, Martin sunk his claws into it for a better grip. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He pulled hard on the cheese, trying to yank it out of its steel enclosure. He could feel it moving. Soon, the whole cheese would be his. A smile crept up his face. He redoubled his efforts.

He heard a loud snap and something crashed hard on his feet. Martin screamed. The pain cut through him like a sharp knife, and he tried to flee. But his feet were stuck. Puzzled, he looked down and saw his feet pinned to the wooden board. He moaned and tried to claw his way out. As he struggled, a shadow appeared.

breakfast guest
a mouse
caught in the trap

1 comment:

  1. Aww no poor Martin!! I loved this post. A really cute and descriptive story with a sad but informative ending. I always love how you hide lessons in your work. A true warning against greed in this one! I always look forward to your posts. Keep up the great work!


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