Thursday, April 11, 2019

Melt The Ice In Your Life

jagged ice

desert sand
on my feet
jagged ice

Life is full of many trials. They cut into your feet like broken, jagged ice. The pain hurts you, but there are important lessons to be learned.

Every trial is a test. A test of success or failure. While success is always desired, failure can teach you more about yourself. The trick is to be patient. Your life is filled with pain and suffering. It is unavoidable. What you can do is to learn from your mistakes. Failure in itself is not bad, as long as you make an effort to correct your faults. By doing this, you enrich your life and the world around you. Think of Thomas Edison and his famous light bulb experiment. It was his dream to provide the world with electricity. Did he give up after his first failure? No! He persisted in his efforts, trying again and again. He failed hundreds of times before he had his breakthrough. Because of his determination, homes all over the world are lighted with his invention.

You must do the same. Whenever you have a failure that crushes your spirit, think of the light bulb. The bright light you see is patience and determination. They are your friends and allies in the war of life. Make use of them, and do not give up. One failure of yours will teach you more about yourself than a hundred successes. Embrace this idea, and learn from it. Make it a part of your life. Your feet may be cut to ribbons from the sharp ice, but you will stand unbroken at the end of the finish line.

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