Thursday, April 25, 2019

Your Move


Russian roulette
a game
of chess

Luck favors the lady, as they say. But is everything in your life determined by luck? Is destiny simply a throw of the dice? Can you, as a human being, change your fate?

Yes, you can. Life is more like a game of chess. You have your moves, and the choices you make lead to success or failure. Make a good choice, and success will follow. Make a bad choice, and suffer the consequences. 

Sometimes, it really is as simple as this. Though life itself is complex, you can to a certain extent, influence the result by removing the emotional part. There is an old maxim: never go to the grocery store on an empty stomach. The reason is obvious: because of your hunger, you are more tempted to grab items that you do not need. Your emotion of feeling satisfied gets in the way of making a good decision. If you had eaten before you left, you would not be influenced by the food that you see on the shelves.

The lesson is clear: to remove the element of luck in your life, you must make decisions in a calm, clear manner. Emotions such as anger or sadness will only get in the way and cloud the issue. Be calm, and stay calm, and your decisions will be easier to make.

Stop being checkmated. Master your emotions, and you will be a champion of life. It is your move.

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