Thursday, April 4, 2019

Are You A Breakfast Champion?

bowl of oatmeal

coal furnace
in a bowl

Do you often feel drained during the day? Chances are you are suffering from a missed meal. And breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Think of your body as a furnace. To be at maximum efficiency, the flames must be kept hot. Feed the flames with coal. Coal is the food you eat. It is the energy that will keep you going throughout the day. But you must not feed your body with just anything. Only good wholesome foods like grains, fruits, and vegetables should make up the bulk of your diet. The body was designed to be its most efficient with simple, natural foods. Feed it the proper fuel.

This applies especially for breakfast. The word itself is a clue: breakfast means "break the fast." After a long night, the fires in your body need to be re-lit. Eating a good healthy breakfast is the first and most important step in navigating the trials of the day. What you eat will of course depend on the country you live in, but here is an example of a healthy breakfast:

  1. A bowl of oatmeal
  2. A cup of yogurt
  3. A slice of fruit like an apple or orange
  4. Coffee, tea, or orange juice
  5. A lean piece of meat like turkey bacon (optional)

When you eat a breakfast like this, you ensure that you give your body the best possible nutrients to start the day. You will not feel sluggish, and there will be a spring to your step. Daily tasks will seem easier, and you are less likely to have mood swings from a missed meal. Everything will be more natural to you.

So feed the fires of your body with the best coal. Never skip breakfast. It will take time to adjust, but your body will thank you for providing it with a healthy meal every morning.

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