Monday, April 8, 2019

Spring Dreams

starry night

Spring Dreams

Imagine yourself sitting in a wooden boat. You are in the middle of a river. Wearied from a long day of rowing, you set your paddles to the side and stare up at the night sky. A cool breeze blows through your hair, and you smile at its soft touch. For a moment, you close your eyes and breathe in the night air. As you breathe, you smell the sweet scent of Spring flowers. Their perfume waters your eyes and makes you feel dizzy--a kind of euphoria fills your body. Opening your eyes, you once again look up and stare at the sky. Before you is a canvas of creation, painted in all the wonderful colors of nature. An inky blackness fills the heavens, and the stars shine like fireflies; a multitude of them form in clusters like celestial flowers in a garden. Their brightness dazzles your eyes, and you feel a deep longing within you-- a kind of hypnotic pull that tugs at your heart. You feel yourself drifting away as your eyelids close and your head droops to your chest. As the images fade, your last thought are the stars of fireflies.

sitting in my boat
I stare at the shining stars
fireflies in the night

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